Having been established in Melrose Park, South Australia, since late 1999, Martial Arts SA has become something of a land mark. We have  completed several internal and external changes over the past 25 years at our South Road location!

The studio has a large waiting room at the front of the building, separate from the two training rooms, which provides students and parents with the perfect relaxing coffee spot. Large flat screens are in full view and linked to both training rooms for real-time viewing of the training room action! This ensures that the students are not distracted by spectators in the training rooms.

The reception provides a display of uniforms and possible badges the students can earn throughout their years of training and provides an insight into the level of detail that is common at MASA®!

Charge rooms are positioned to service both training rooms and continue to display a design concept to bring the traditional to the modern, with the use of stone floor tiles and timber and a modern layout.

 Training rooms are set up to an extremely high standard and fitted with professional jigsaw matting, providing a safe and comfortable training surface. On approaching the main training room known as T1, you are greeted by a set of incredible antique (original) temple doors that are now well over 100 years old. These doors are used daily to seperate the super loud yelling from the students training in both rooms T1 and T2, which run 'back to back' classes most days at the same time!

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