Welcome to the MASA Team Water home page.
Here you will find your Team Challenge downloads for each term. Enter your team “password” and click on the download button and your challenge file will shortly be in your download file or where your computer stores downloaded files. Remember, ALWAYS ask Mum and Dad before downloading anything from the internet to make sure it is Ok First. BE Internet SAFE! Then have Mum or Dad read through it with you then complete the challenge and return it to your next class before the due date to receive your MASA Team Challenge Reward!
You might also notice that your House Team Logo has now been updates by Sir and is now available in new badges for your child’s uniform!
Home work projects are now only handed out in class to ensure all students have a copy early. Please encourage your child/ren to manage their time and return their home work early where possible. There is a two week deadline this term – Due date is Saturday 25th November!